- Temporal hollows
- Cheek
- Submalar
- Nose
- Naso-labial folds
- Marette lines
- Menta crease and Chin
- Oral commissure
- Jaw line
- Forehead
- Lips
- The more superficial the defect, the smaller the needle/canula needed and thinner the viscosity of the filler needed for injection.
- Deeper injections for higher cross-linked fillers, using larger canula/needle needed, higher cross link, means Less forgiving the material, the deeper it is to be placed.
- Depending on each area (mobile or not, skin thickness and tissue thickness) we should use light, medium or high cross link fillers.
- Most filler companies provide wide range of cross link for different indications (stick to the recommendation till you get more experienced with each material).
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